Product Details

Topics Covered
- Effective communication
- Communication models and methods
- Factors for effective communication
- Communicating with purpose
- Tips for ensuring effective communication
- What is your message?
- Consider your audience
- Active listening
- Effective meetings
- The problem with jargon
Key Features
- Mobile-friendly
- Audio-enabled
- Badge and credit-awarding
- Fully accessible
- Games & Flashcards
- Expert-supported
- Video content
Course Preview
Course Description
Almost everything that happens in the workplace requires some form of communication. Frontline managers have to communicate with the workers they supervise, with their colleagues in management, and with their bosses in the executive suite. Being able to communicate clearly and effectively is a vital skill for any frontline manager. This course provides a brief introduction to communication theory, but the main emphasis is on practical approaches to
Learning Outcomes
- Define "communication," and explain why effective communication is important in the workplace
- Distinguish between push communications and pull communications, and explain the different elements of a communications model
- List the major characteristics of effective communication and describe how to use them
- Formulate a clear primary message and develop appropriate secondary messages to support it
- Distinguish between "communicating up" and "communicating down," and demonstrate your ability to do each effectively
- Practice active listening
- Run a meeting effectively
- Identify and eliminate jargon from your work communications
This course has an "Ask the Expert" feature, which submits your questions directly to an expert in the field you are studying. Questions are answered as quickly as possible and usually within 24 hours.
As an
Accredited Provider, MindEdge offers for its learning events that comply with the Continuing Education and Training Standard.Learners must achieve an average test score of at least 70% to meet the minimum successful completion requirement and qualify to receive
credit. Learners will have three attempts at all graded assessments.