Product Details

Estimated length: 1.5 hours
Access Time: 90 days
HR Hot Topic: Pay Equity current price is $39
Topics Covered
- Pay equity
- Equal pay
- Pay gap
- Equal pay policies
- Controlled pay gaps
- Uncontrolled pay gaps
- Pay negotiations
Key Features
- Mobile-friendly
- Audio-enabled
- Badge and credit-awarding
- Fully accessible
- Games & Flashcards
- Expert-supported
- Video content
Course Preview
Course Description
In this course, you will explore the importance of developing workplace policies that address unfair gaps in employee pay. You will learn about tools that can help inform those policies—like survey and pay audits—and best practices for their implementation. This course presents federal and state legislation on pay equity, and it provides an opportunity for you to explore your state's laws and how they impact your workplace.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the difference between equal pay and pay equity
- Identify the criteria for equivalent jobs or work of equal value
- Explain the main reasons for pay gaps
- Distinguish between controlled and uncontrolled pay gaps
- Recognize gender dominated industries
- Summarize federal and state legislature that address pay equity
- Describe the workplace grievance procedure
- Explain process and reasons for data reporting and pay audits
- Understand the connections between surveys, negotiations, and pay gaps
- Explain effects of equal pay policies
This course has an "Ask the Expert" feature, which submits your questions directly to an expert in the field you are studying. Questions are answered as quickly as possible and usually within 24 hours.
As an
Accredited Provider, MindEdge offers for its learning events that comply with the Continuing Education and Training Standard.Learners must achieve an average test score of at least 70% to meet the minimum successful completion requirement and qualify to receive
credit. Learners will have three attempts at all graded assessments.