Product Details

Topics Covered
- Workplace safety
- Office design
- Workplace transitions
- Flexible work arrangements
- Productivity
- Employee engagement
- Communication styles
- Retention strategies
- Company culture
Key Features
- Mobile-friendly
- Audio-enabled
- Badge and credit-awarding
- Fully accessible
- Games & Flashcards
- Expert-supported
Course Preview
Course Description
While there are many benefits associated with remote work, there are certain tasks and activities that can't be easily replicated in a virtual environment. Team collaboration, brainstorming, and culture-building are better suited for in-person settings, where team members can work side-by-side and connect in real time. As organizations transition to hybrid work arrangements, business leaders and HR professionals will need to assess how and when in-person work
Learning Outcomes
- Identify the appropriate action steps for leading an organization's transition between in-person, hybrid, and remote work settings
- Consider how work environments affect productivity
- Implement successful approaches for setting and monitoring work expectations and goals
- Explain the relationship between business goals and workplace design
- List potential flexible work arrangements best suited for different roles within an organization
- Apply strategies for improving employee retention in the modern office
- Explain strategies for building and maintaining a positive workplace culture
- Identify strategies for designing and communicating workplace policies
- Use effective communication to promote employee health and safety
- Describe the role of HR in creating and maintaining a safe working environment
This course has an "Ask the Expert" feature, which submits your questions directly to an expert in the field you are studying. Questions are answered as quickly as possible and usually within 24 hours.
As an
Accredited Provider, MindEdge offers for its learning events that comply with the Continuing Education and Training Standard.Learners must achieve an average test score of at least 70% to meet the minimum successful completion requirement and qualify to receive
credit. Learners will have three attempts at all graded assessments.