Product Details

Estimated length: 4 hours
Access Time: 90 days
Recruitment Analytics current price is $89
Topics Covered
- Recruitment analytics
- Data-driven recruitment
- Predictive analytics
- Predicting performance
- Predicting attrition
- Recruitment analytics to identify patterns
- Recruitment analytics for effective sourcing
- Recruitment analytics to minimize costs
- Applicant tracking systems
Key Features
- Mobile-friendly
- Real-world case studies
- Fully accessible
- Games & Flashcards
- Expert-supported
- Video content
Course Preview
Course Description
This course provides an overview of recruitment analytics and the benefits of a data-driven approach to recruitment. You will learn to identify and calculate common recruiting metrics, like time to fill, cost per hire, and source conversion. You will also see how data can be gathered, visually displayed, and analyzed to gain an understanding of the recruitment process and to make improvements when necessary. The predictive analytics lifecycle will also be discussed, ...
Learning Outcomes
- Identify common recruiting metrics
- Explain a data-driven approach to recruitment
- Describe the predictive analytics lifecycle
- Analyze the use of analytics in predicting performance and attrition
- Explain how to use analytics to identify patterns, locate the most effective sourcing channels, and minimize costs associated with the hiring process
- Cite examples involving an applicant tracking system (ATS)
This course has an "Ask the Expert" feature, which submits your questions directly to an expert in the field you are studying. Questions are answered as quickly as possible and usually within 24 hours.
As an
Accredited Provider, MindEdge offers for its learning events that comply with the Continuing Education and Training Standard.Learners must achieve an average test score of at least 70% to meet the minimum successful completion requirement and qualify to receive
credit. Learners will have three attempts at all graded assessments.